Sometimes, due to hereditary traits, the structure of the face can take on a certain look, depending upon your race. While we believe men and women of all races look beautiful according to their natural bone structure and facial build, some individuals wish to change a certain feature. The nose is a common area of the face that some wish to enhance. Our patient shown here, is a NYC woman in her 30s and she was not happy with the look and appearance of her nose. She felt it was too large and overpowered her face. Her cosmetic goal was to decrease the size of her nose and soften her overall appearance, without taking away the traits of her natural heritage. Dr. Aston performed closed nose surgery using a unique Ethnic Rhinoplasty approach, that allowed our patient to keep her natural look, but bring her nose in better proportion with the rest of her face. Nose reshaping with rhinoplasty created a great outcome and our patient now feels beautiful, and still very proud of who she is.