Patients who have successfully completed a major weight loss are often thrilled with their new figure and slimmer results. However, if the weight loss was significant enough to leave loose, hanging skin behind, then a skin removal/skin tightening procedure may need to be considered. A common skin tightening procedure performed by Manhattan plastic surgeon, Dr. Sherrell J. Aston, is an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty. This procedure removes the hanging skin that can reside from the underside of the upper arm. It trims the loose skin away, and then tightens the underlying tissue to create a tighter, firmer appearing arm. Some patients may need liposuction if isolated fat pockets remain within the arm area. In many cases, liposuction is incorporated with the skin tightening process. This surgery allows patients to complete their weight loss transformation and wear sleeveless and short-sleeved shirts with confidence.
Surgical Technique
The goal of an arm lift is to result in a toned upper arm appearance. The length of the incision varies depending on how much skin and fat are to be removed. Patients who have a fairly good skin tone may only require a minor incision. However, patients who have excessively loose, hanging skin will require an incision that may run from the armpit to the elbow.
During/After Surgery
Patients undergoing brachioplasty may have localt or general anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure that takes an average of 2 hours to complete. A simple bandage is placed on the incision line and one can be out engaging in non-strenuous activities the next day.

This depends on the amount of loose skin that is present. Patients who lose a significant amount of weight generally need the skin removed in order to attain a positive result. In fact, many times, arm lift patients do not even need liposuction because there’s no excess fat to be removed. On the other hand, patients who have relatively good skin elasticity may only need liposuction or minor tightening.
Any patient who undergoes an operation where skin is excised and incisions are made should understand that scarring is a part of the procedure, including brachioplasty. We make every effort to ensure that the scar will be as minimal as possible. It is also recommended that patients avoid sun exposure during the first six months to protect the incisions from any additional discoloration. Most patients believe the benefits of a more toned arm outweigh the appearance of scars.
It is common for arm lift patients to combine this surgery with another procedure. This is sometimes referred to as an upper body lift and may include liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), and breast surgery (breast lift). During the consultation, each surgery will be discussed and recommendations will be made as to whether these procedures can be done at the same time.
An arm lift is performed to remove hanging skin and fat. The only way to build actual muscle is through strength training. Following surgery, once the arms are fully healed, patients can begin weight training if they wish to do so. This is a great way to add shape to the arms by toning and strengthening them. Patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise in order to avoid a recurring weight gain, which could compromise the surgical results.
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