Abdominoplasty, also referred to as a tummy tuck, is an effective cosmetic surgery treatment that is performed to tighten the lower abdomen. The best candidates for a tummy tuck are in good physical condition with pockets of fat or loose skin that haven't responded well to traditional diet and exercise. This procedure can also benefit older, slightly obese people whose skin has lost some of its elasticity. Tummy tucks can also be useful for women with stretched skin and muscles from pregnancy. During this surgery, Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston will use liposuction to remove fat, and will then trim away excess skin and pull the underlying tissue tight. New York tummy tuck specialist, Dr. Aston has been performing tummy tucks with excellent cosmetic results for many years. Patients love the look of their new flat stomachs after surgery under Dr. Aston's exceptional care.
Surgical Technique
In patients who undergo a full tummy tuck, the incision is made from hip to hip just over the pubic area. This results in a scar line that is horizontal and can be hidden when wearing undergarments. It is commonly performed on women with significant skin folds after multiple pregnancies. This technique allows the surgeon access to a large portion of the abdomen while repositioning the belly button so that its placement appears natural. Liposuction is performed to remove excess fat preceding the skin tightening portion. The internal abdominal muscles are secured for a firm, toned appearance.
An alternative to the traditional technique is the mini tummy tuck, which is also known as a “Brazilian tummy tuck.” The difference is that ideally the patients that undergo this procedure are already in relatively good shape with a healthy skin tone, but still have loose skin on the lower abdomen. Unlike the full tummy tuck, the belly button is unaffected and the incision is smaller. Liposuction is used (if needed) to remove excess fat, and the loose skin is removed and pulled tight.
In cases when major skin tightening and body contouring is needed, an extended tummy tuck is recommended. This is a necessary technique for patients who have undergone a significant weight loss. It was developed after some patients noted that even after a full tummy tuck, the parts surrounding the abdomen still showed excessive folds of skin. The incision may extend around the navel, flank, and lower back depending where skin tightening is necessary. Liposuction is still used and excess skin is trimmed then tightened. Similar to a full tummy tuck, the belly button is repositioned.
During/After Surgery
A tummy tuck is done under general anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure, but an overnight stay can be required specific to complex cases. As with any other surgery, abdominoplasty comes with risks so it’s best to discuss any health conditions you have prior to surgery. The patient will need to rest up to 48 hours however and will be able to walk to the bathroom on the same day as the surgery. From then, it is recommended that patients make a concerted effort to move around to help blood circulation and reduce the risks of blood clot complications. With a full abdominoplasty, most people are back at work in 2 weeks and can start exercising after 6 weeks. After the first week, one can easily take care of their usual daily living activities; however, no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise is permitted at that time.

Tummy Tucks FAQs
Tummy tucks are reserved for patients who have stretched, loose skin in the lower abdomen as a result of pregnancy or obesity. Liposuction, on the other hand, is for those who want to remove excess fat in the abdomen but still have a healthy skin tone. During the initial consultation, we will provide a thorough assessment and determine if liposuction alone is all that is needed, or if a tummy tuck will provide the best results.
Normally, abdominoplasty is performed to improve loose skin and excess fat around the abdomen area. However, sometimes other cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentation or a breast lift are done to further improve the overall look and feel of the body. When this combination type surgery exists, it is known as a “mommy makeover.” It is very popular among women after pregnancy who wish to get their pre-pregnancy body and shape back to normal.
Unfortunately, with a tummy tuck surgery, scars are unavoidable. However, extra measures are taken to make sure that scarring is minimal. The incision line is placed in areas that can be concealed by undergarments. Previous C-section scars will be incised in the same spot for the tummy tuck. During the healing process, we will provide a post-operative protocol that includes scar treatment to help assist the scars in becoming less visible.
It is our recommendation that women who decide to have more children delay a tummy tuck procedure. The stretching of the skin as a result of another pregnancy can reduce the positive outcome of this procedure.