What To Give On Fathers Day? Plastic Surgery!
Cant figure out what to give your dad on his day? Ever thought about supporting him in that crucial decision to make himself look and feel better as he is aging? Statistics released recently by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that more men are going under the knife. Overall cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in men were up 2 percent in 2010 compared to 2009. However, many male surgical procedures increased significantly such as facelifts rising 14 percent in 2010 while male liposuction increased 7 percent.
2010 ASPS statistics show that men underwent more than 1.1 million cosmetic procedures, both minimally-invasive and surgical. The majority of the male top 10 fastest-growing cosmetic procedures were surgical in contrast to the previous trend of growth in minimally-invasive treatments. The rise may be due to the huge group of baby boomers now coming of age and wanting to do something about their appearance.
Here are the Top Ten Fastest-Growing Male Cosmetic Procedures by percentage increase:
1. Facelift 14% Increase
2. Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) 11% Increase
3. Soft Tissue Fillers 10% Increase
4. Botulinum Toxin Type A 9% Increase
5. Liposuction 7% Increase
6. Breast Reduction in Men 6% Increase
7. Eyelid Surgery 4% Increase
8. Dermabrasion 4% Increase
9. Laser Hair Removal 4% Increase
10. Laser Treatment of Leg Veins 4% Increase
In this Manhattan cosmetic surgery practice, Dr. Sherrell Aston often performs male cosmetic surgery with the most popular procedures including a male facelift for balding men and those with full heads of hair, liposuction, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, male breast reduction, and chin augmentation.